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Automatically extract financial Reference Data with EFDC


This product is designed to allow customers to automatically extract every possible reference data available from the main market data vendors based on a predetermined schedule, define the layout of the extraction results and to deliver the formatted result into a destination platform.


It’s main objective is to provide an automated, flexible, robust and user-friendly interface to the Refinitiv DSS. Exsys can provide additional customization for post-extraction processing and other specific customer specifications.

Exsys Financial Data Capture (EFDC) application interfaces with the Refinitiv DataScope Select (DSS) and Bloomberg's DataLicense.


The main benefits of EFDC are :

 A more flexible solution than the browser- and FTP-based data access solutions currently available for DataScope Select and DataLicense.  It can be used for the following uses:


Data Feed for Customer Data Storage 

Customers who are interested in extracting market data pricing and reference content may want to replicate vendor data into their own data stores (database, spreadsheet, files). The EFDC can support this on a security-by-security basis or in client-based lists (portfolios, indexes, funds, etc.) and includes numerous asset classes, time series and corporate action data as just small examples.


Application Data Source

Desktop applications in the securities business may need a data source to populate data fields and graphs. Given the breadth of the reference and pricing data available via market data vendors, the EFDC is an ideal choice to fit this requirement. The EFDC can be used to look-up and display security data in a Windows or web application.


Embedded DataScope Select

The EFDC facilitates a high level of control and automation. If you want to fully automate your interaction with DataScope Select or Bloomberg's DataLicense, the EFDC is perfectly suited to this requirement. For example, if a fund manager buys a new security, he can use EFDC to look-up the security and obtain the required pricing and reference data, and then store that information in a database spreadsheet or in-house application within seconds of making the decision. For clients with overnight processing requirements, the EFDC can facilitate automated data retrieval, error processing, and alerting.


Application Components


EFDC is an off-the-shelf application and runs as a service on any standard Windows PC.   The EFDC GUI is be a separate application to the underlying EFDC engine.

This provides a number of benefits including remote activation of the EFDC.

1. License

The software is licensed for per PC/account accessing the DSS and in addition anumber of instruments being retrieved and output class libraries (database, MQ, etc.) which are individually permissioned modules under the terms of the license.

2. Schedules

EFDC has a Global Schedule as well as a collection of Schedule records.

Several Tasks (described in item 5) will be able to connect to a single Schedule record. The Global Schedule applies to all tasks, and if a task is linked with a Schedule record it will take precedence to the Global Schedule.

Each Schedule record can have:

A day map, each day will have the following properties:


Start Time

Finish Time

A holiday file


3.TCP/IP Sockets

EFDC has a collection of TCP/IP sockets. These sockets have two proposes:

Tasks output Incoming commands

Several Tasks are able to connect to a single Socket.

Each Socket record can have:Active flag Server / client flag

Listening port (for server)

Remote Host & Remote Port (for client)



4.  Tasks

A Task is the main entity in the EFDC.


More details about this software



·         The layout consists of three parts:

·         Header

·         List of instruments

·         Trailer


·         The available layout formats are:

·         Fixed XML (hard coded XML format)

This may use a similar concept to EDM Field Map.

·         Fixed CSV (hard coded CSV format)

·         Fixed SQL Insert/Update statement (for future versions)

·         User template (i.e. a template file as in EDM).

There are links for 3 files – header, record and trailer templates.
The identification of the extraction fields uses the extractions logical name and using the “dot notation” to assign the fields.



·         File (Full path, append/overwrite)

·         TCP/IP socket

·         Possible additional platforms in the roadmap – this uses C# Class Libraries.


·         Schedule unique record name

·         Frequency

·         Specific time for extraction

·         Run when list changes


Error Handling

·         Full error reporting


Field Maps

This may be relevant for FIX XML layout and FIX SQL layout.


Lookup Records

Lookup tables for field content. This can be specified in the field map or in the template files.



This function is still in the design phase but it is envisaged that the EDFC will enable programmatic searches on DSS for identity of symbols.


Usage monitor

EFDS provides a monitoring facility to report on how many extractions are performed .


 Error handling

 On the road map.



These commands enable 3rd party applications to remotely activate functions on EFDC such as:

  • execute an extraction/search without specifying a Task.

  • manage the Tasks configuration, activating Tasks, etc.

  • The commands can be XML based or specific format



There is an EFDC log for the application activity.

There is a DSS log for the DSS operation and messages.

There is an option to record the incoming extraction results.



The EFDC enables configurations such as a global DSS User Name & Password

File maintenance (storage and history).




On the road map




On the road map


Error Recovery

On the road map



On the road map


Built-in email facility

On the road map


For further information or an online demonstration - call Exsys +972 9 7666388 or write to







Disclaimer : Refinitiv, RMDS, RFA, RTIC, P2PS, DataScope, DSS, RIC, IBM , VSAM , Bloomberg, Data License, Bpipe, Bpod, Windows and other acronyms or trademarks are owned by their respective companies and are used for explanation purpose only. Use of EFDC is strictly provisional on compliance with vendor's licensing restrictions.

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